Bilder der Altöttinger Museen, mit dem Jerusalem Panorama, der Schatzkammer und der Dioramenschau.
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Visit a Museum in Altötting with Your Group

There are several museums in Altötting which vary thematically, so it is exciting to visit them all. A detailed description of the museums in Altötting, including opening hours, is available here. If you would like to visit one or more museums during your group tour, we will be happy to register your group with the respective museum.

Das goldene Rössl in der Altöttinger Schatzkammer.

Treasure Chamber at the Pilgrimage Museum

The Treasure Chamber
Maximilian I. und Graf Tilly in der Altöttinger Dioramenschau.

Diorama Show

Diorama Show
Ein Kapuziner holt sich Wasser aus dem Bruder Konrad Brunnen.

Friar Conrad Museum

Free Entry!

The Friar Conrad Museum
Das Jerusalem Panoram in Altötting von innen.

Jerusalem Panorama

Jerusalem Panorama
Weihrauch für die Innere Ruhe im Weihrauchmuseum Kilwing in Altötting.

Incense Museum

Free Entry!

Incense museum