Ein Pilgereinzug auf dem Altöttinger Kapellplatz mit Versammlung vor der Gnadenkapelle.
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Altötting Group Tour Offers

We will be pleased to make an offer for your group tour to enjoy a perfectly organised stay in Altötting.  We will obtain group offers from Altötting hotels or book a sightseeing tour of Altötting for your group. We will also help you arrange a programme for your group, and we have already compiled a sample programme proposal for you. Needless to say, this programme can be adjusted to suit the needs of your group.

Programme Proposal for a Group Day Trip to Altötting

We have prepared a programme proposal for your day trip to Altötting, so your group may see what a day trip to Altötting could be like.

Innenansicht der Altöttinger Gnadenkapelle mit Blick auf die schwarze Madonna und Bruder Konrad.

One Day in Altötting

In the Morning

10 am – Holy Mass
When in Altötting, you should celebrate a Holy Mass. You may also want to book a Holy Mass just for your group or concelebrate a mass. For further information, please refer to  Registering a Pilgrimage. Afterwards, your group may take time off for a personal prayer or for buying devotional objects.

12 am – Lunch at an Altötting Inn
There are many places where your group can have lunch in Altötting. We have compiled a list  of lunch places for your group. You may want to request a group menu from two or three of those, so you may compare them. 

In the Afternoon

2 pm – Sightseeing Tour of Altötting
Give your group the opportunity to take a sightseeing tour and learn more about the pilgrimage city of Altötting. We offer various theme sightseeing tours to ensure that there is a suitable tour for every group.

3.30 pm – Visit to a Museum

During your sightseeing tour you will learn that there are several museums in Altötting which are all worth a visit. You may want to see the famous “Goldene Rössl” at the Treasure Chamber, the Jerusalem Panorama depicting the crucifixion of Christ or see the Diorama Show at the Altötting Marienwerk to learn more about Altötting’s pilgrimage history. If you wish, we will register your group with the respective museum.

Die Lichterprozession in Altötting am Kapellplatz vor der Gnadenkapelle.

Group Offer for a 3-Day Trip to Altötting  

To enjoy the pilgrimage town of Altötting in peace and quiet, a multi-day trip is ideal. We have also prepared a respective programme proposal for you:

Day One – Journey to and First Impressions of Altötting

At Noon – Arrival and Hotel Checkin
Check into your hotel. You will find useful tips for your journey to Altötting here.

In the Afternoon – Sightseeing Tour to Get a First Impression of Altötting
To ensure that your group gets a general impression of Altötting, it is a good idea to go on a sightseeing tour of Altötting on the day of your arrival. You will find a list of all sightseeing tours here.


Day Two – In the Morning

10 am – Orchestral Mass
When in Altötting, you should celebrate a Holy Mass. You may also want to book a Holy Mass just for your group or concelebrate a mass. For further information, please refer to Registering a Pilgrimage. Afterwards, your group may take time off for a personal prayer or for buying devotional objects.

12 am – Lunch at an Altötting Inn
There are many places where your group can have lunch in Altötting. We have compiled a list of lunch places for your group. You may want to request a group menu from two or three of those, so you may compare them. 


Day Two – In the Afternoon

2 pm – Visit to the Museums in Altötting

As the museums in Altötting vary thematically, it is exciting to visit them all. You may want to see the famous “Goldene Rössl” at the Treasure Chamber, the Jerusalem Panorama depicting the crucifixion of Christ or visit the Diorama Show at the Altötting Marienwerk to learn more about Altötting’s pilgrimage history. If you wish, we will register your group with the respective museum. 

6 pm – Dinner at Your Hotel or at an Altötting Inn

On Saturdays: At 7 pm or at 8 pm – Early Evening Mass at St. Anne Basilica followed by a Candlelight Procession
From May to October, there is a candlelight procession after the early evening Mass at St. Anne Basilica every Saturday. You can buy candles on site. Do take part in this particularly impressive and contemplative event.  

Day 3 – Free Time in Altötting and Journey Home

In the Morning – Free Time
Your guests will certainly also want to take care of some private matters in Altötting. Do give your group some time off for a personal prayer or for buying some devotional objects. A visit to Altötting is often associated with a very personal wish.

Lunch and subsequent departure. You may want to visit Burghausen and see the longest castle in the world or Marktl, the birthplace of Pope Benedict XVI.

Eine kleine Auswahl der großen Rosenkranzsammlung in der Altöttinger Schatzkammer.