Ein kleiner Ausschnitt der großen Rosenkranzsammlung in der Altöttinger Schatzkammer.
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The Treasure Chamber in the House of Pope Benedict XVI

In the Treasure Chamber and Pilgrimage Museum, appropriately named "Haus Papst Benedikt XVI" (“Pope Benedict House”) you can marvel at the wealth of artistic votive offerings to Altötting, the Place of Mercy. At the Pilgrimage Museum the themes of pilgrimage, the history of pilgrimage in Altötting and the artistic votive offerings of pilgrims are thematically linked. Apart from jewellery, chalices, paraments, coins and pilgrimage badges, there are also other precious items at the Altötting Treasure Chamber.

The “Goldene Rössl“ at the Altötting Treasure Chamber

Towards the end of your museum tour you can marvel at the main exhibit of the Altötting Treasure Chamber. The "Goldene Rössl” (Golden Horse), a small Marian altar made of gold enamel, captivates visitors to the Pilgrimage Museum. And rightly so. After all, experts consider the Marian altar of the Altötting Treasure Chamber to be one of Europe's most precious art treasures. The Goldene Rössl was manufactured by the workshops of the Paris court in 1404. It was a New Year's gift from the French Queen Isabeau de Bavière, a member of the house of Wittelsbach, to her husband King Charles VI.

Das Goldene Rössel in der Altöttinger Schatzkammer.

Other Showpieces and Treasures at the Pilgrimage Museum

A true showpiece of the Altötting Pilgrimage Museum is a precious cross carved from ivory depicting the passion cycle painted on lapis lazuli plates. Its former owner was the patrician Füll family in Munich, thus the name "Füllkreuz". Most visitors are immersed in the fairytale world of the "Sissi films" when looking at the bridal wreath of the world-famous Empress Sissi, which is also on display at the Altötting Treasure Chamber.

Der Brautkranz der Kaiserin Sissi von Österreich in der Altöttinger Schatzkammer.
Die Altöttinger Schatzkammer in der Aussenansicht.