Der Altöttinger Kapellplatz mit der Gnadenkapelle und der Stiftspfarrkirche.
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The Chapel of Grace in Altötting

Small in form, but large in history and significance, the Miraculous Image chapel rules the spacious Kapellplatz (Chapel Square). Its Octagon (octagonal tower), the core construction of this church, presumably from the 700’s, may be the oldest central construction in Germany. The approx. 70 cm-high, early Gothic scene of a standing Mother of God with the Child, which stems from Burgundy or along the Upper Rhine and is carved out of lime-wood, arrived here around 1330. About 150 years later, after the reports of two healing miracles. Silver urns containing the hearts of important personalities from the Wittelsbach family, among them all prince electors. The chapel walkway is adorned with about 2,000 votive tablets from several centuries.


Eine Altöttinger Kapellplatzansicht von oben mit der Gnadenkapelle und der Schatzkammer im Hintergrund.

Stiftspfarrkirche St. Philippus and Jakobus

This is the last Gothic hall church in southern Germany and was completed in the form existing today between 1499 and 1511. King Karlmann built a canon convent here in 876 together with a basilica. In 1245 the Romanesque church with its double towers was consecrated. Parts of the Romanesque Basilica were integrated into the building, including the "Westwerk" with its "romanischen Portal."  The beautifully carved portals on the north and south sides are among the most valuable. "Tod von Eding", one of the most popular objects in the church dating back to the time of the plague, can be found on the clock pedestal. On the south side of the church the cloister with partly preserved frescoes, numerous graves of canons of the seminary and three chapels can be seen.

Basilika St. Anna

As the number of pilgrims increased at the beginning of the last century, it became necessary to build a large church for the pilgrims. St. Anna’s church was built from 1910 to 1912 and is Altoetting’s largest church with an inner length of 83 meters, a width of 27.5 meters and a height of 24 meters. The church holds 8,000 persons. P. Josef Anton Kessler, the guardian of St. Konrad at that time, was the initiator of the building. The architect, Johannes Schott, planned the building in the "new Baroque" style (Historismus). The church was consecrated on October 13, 1912. Pope Pius X made it a papal church in 1913. The church impresses the visitor not only with its size, but also with the 12 side altars and the magnificent high altar.

Eine Aussenansicht der Altöttinger Basilika St. Anna, mit dem Mörnbach im Vordergrund.

St. Magdalena

To the east of the chapel you will find the baroque Capuchin church, St. Magdalena. The church was built with the help of the Jesuits (who were in Altoetting until 1773). In 1591 they were called to Altötting to take responsibility for the care of the pilgrims. They started construction on the monastery and a small church in 1593. The Jesuit-layperson Thomas Troyer from Mittersill/Salzburg built the present-day church from 1697 to 1700. (Pilgrim church in Jesuit-baroque style.) The stucco work, done most probably by an artist from northern Italy, the late baroque side altars (1712-13) with paintings by the Munich court painter Johann Caspar Sing and the high alter (1795) with a painting of Magdalena under the cross by the court painter Christian Winck from Munich are especially worth seeing.

Eine Innenansicht der St. Magdalena Kirche in Altötting.

St. Konrad

The Franciscan friars was sent to Altoetting in 1654 following the Thirty-years War to help with the pilgrims. In 1802 during the secularization the Franciscan friars were forced to leave Altoetting, shortly thereafter the Capuchin monks as well, in the hope of their dying out. However, during the reign of King Ludwig I the Franciscan order was allowed to take in new novices and the monastery thrived. The 31-year-old layperson and farmer, Johann Birndorfer from Parzham in Rottal, entered the monastery in 1849 and was given the name "Brother Konrad". He died in 1894, was beatified in 1930 and canonized in 1934 by Pope Pius XI. A sculptor did the crucifixion scene in the apse and the middle altar with a canopy. A reproduction of the saint in a glass sarcophagus and the main relics can be seen here. The encounter room is open every day from 8:00 am – 6:00 pm.

Eine Innenaufnahme der Altöttinger St. Konrad Kirche.

"Anbetungskirche Missionshaus Hl. Kreuz" (church)

100 years ago the first nuns from "Heiligen Kreuz" came to teach in Altötting. In 1900 construction began on the Kreszentiaheim (school). In 1915–1916 it was enlarged and a new building with the Herz-Jesu Church was built. Prof. Kurz of Augsburg was the architect who planned the church in Jugendstil and it now is protected as a national monument. The high altar is by the sculptor Franz Hoser and shows the heart of Jesus surrounded by angels. The first altar (side altar on the left) was finished on May 6th, 1917 for the first celebration of "Patrona Bavaria" commemorating the patron of Bavaria.

St. Josef's church at the English Ladies (Congregatio Jesu)

The nuns from the Mary Ward English Ladies founded their convent in 1721. The church was built from 1734 to 1737 by the state architect Augustin Wiedemann and Josef Leberer to glorify St. Josef. The frescoes and the painting over the altar were most likely done by Innozenz Anton Waraethi from Sterzing. The stucco work in the upper part of the church (known as "Bandlwerkstuck) is splendid. Two angels to the left and right of the tabernacle were probably done by the Rococo sculptor Josef Deutschmann from Passau.

Der Altöttinger Kapellplatz mit den Fahnen im Vordergrund und dem Rathaus.

"Mariae Heimsuchung" (church) in Unterholzhausen

The Gothic church Mariae Heimsuchung (also for pilgrims) lies four kilometres west of the city in Unterholzhausen. Holzhausen was first mentioned in a document in 1130. At that time it was already connected with the canon monastery in Au am Inn. The present-day church was begun in 1460 and finished in 1470. It was given the name Mariae Heimsuchung. The most recent renovations for the 500-year celebration returned the church to its original, simple Gothic beauty. The church is full of Gothic and baroque figures and the replica of a visitation of Mary in Gothic style  (from the present time).


A Gothic portrait of Mary is in the middle of the high altar and has been visited by pilgrims for centuries. The first pilgrimages here were not documented. They reached their peak some time in the 17th and 18th centuries. The chapel in Altötting, Bruder Konrad’s grave and the church in Unterholzhausen are the three main points of interest for pilgrims. Holzhausen has been a part of the city of Altötting for some time now.

Die ganze Stiftspfarrkirche von Alötting.

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