Die Pilger ziehen auf den Altöttinger Kapellplatz ein und umrunden die Gnadenkapelle.
Experiencing Altötting – Our Tips

Here you will find our suggestions for a two-hour, a one-day or for multi-day trips to Altötting.

Eine Stadtführungsgruppe steht im Umgang der Gnadenkapelle in Altötting während die Stadtführerin der Gruppe die Votivtafeln erläutert.
Guided city tours in Altötting

From May to October as well as during the time the Christmas Market takes place there are public guided tours of Altötting on Saturdays at 2 pm and on Sundays at 2.30 pm.

Der Altöttinger Christkindlmarkt auf dem barocken Kapellplatz mit Schnee.
The Altötting Christkindlmarkt

Year after year the Christmas market fascinates visitors during the Advent season. This year you can visit the Christkindlmarkt every day from 25 November to 18 December.

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A Warm Welcome to Altötting

“The heart of Bavaria and one of the hearts of Europe”. This is how Pope emeritus Benedict XVI describes the pilgrimage site of Altötting. Indeed, the town has been the spiritual centre of Bavaria for more than 1,250 years and the most important Marian pilgrimage site in Germany for well over 500 years. Moreover, Altötting is one of the “Shrines of Europe”, the seven most important Marian pilgrimage sites in Europe.

Logo der Shrines of Europe mit Schriftzug und einem blauen M, das von Sternen umkreist ist.

Shrines of Europe

Altötting is a member of the Shrines of Europe, a working group of the most important Marian pilgrimage sites in Europe. Here you can see which other sites are also members of the Shrines of Europe and learn about their history.

Eine Glühbirne auf einem Post-It häng an einer Korkpinnwand.

Important Contacts for Registering a Pilgrimage

Here you will find all church contacts concerning your pilgrimage to Altötting.

Registering a Pilgrimage


Innenansicht der Altöttinger Gnadenkapelle mit Blick auf die schwarze Madonna und Bruder Konrad.


Gnadenkapelle and the Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Altötting

As the spiritual centre of Marian worship in Bavaria, the Gnadenkapelle [Chapel of Mercy] is the destination of more than a million pilgrims from all over the world every year. The little chapel is home to the Bavarian national shrine: the image of Our Lady of Altötting, commonly known as the "Black Madonna".


Detailaufnahme des Goldenen Rössls in der Schatzkammer in Altötting.


The “Goldene Rössl“ at the Altötting Treasure Chamber

The Altötting Treasure Chamber houses a work of art of inestimable value: the Goldene Rössl (the Golden Horse), a Marian altar made of gold enamel which was crafted in the workshops of the Paris Court in 1404. Experts consider it to be one of the most precious treasures in Europe.


Innenaufnahme der Stiftspfarrkirche Altötting, eine gotische Hallenkirche.


Stiftspfarrkirche St. Philip and St. Jacob

The Stiftspfarrkirche (Monastery Parish Church) was the last of the Gothic hall churches built in southern Germany and was erected between 1499 and 1511 to respond to the increased flow of pilgrims following the two miracles in 1489.


Das Gemälde des Jerusalem Panoramas Kreuzigung Christi in Altötting mit Blick auf die Zionsburg.


Jerusalem Panorama Crucifixion of Christ

A unique painting awaits you here. The Jerusalem Panorama Crucifixion of Christ takes you on a time journey to the origins of Christianity, more precisely to the day of the crucifixion of Christ and to the dramatic events taking place in the year 30 AD. This painting is the only remaining historical panorama of Germany and is a UNESCO cultural heritage site.


Innenaufnahme der Bruder Konrad Kirche mit Blick über die Bankreihen zum Altarbereich.


Friar Conrad Church

Following the beatification and canonisation of Friar Conrad, Altötting became home to a second pilgrimage attraction: the tomb of Saint Conrad. The shrine of the saint is in Friar Conrad Church, which was renovated in 2018.


Blick durch das Pfortenfenster in die Alte Pforte, die Wirkungsstätte des Hl. Bruder Konrads.


Friar Conrad Museum

Apart from Friar Conrad Church you can also visit the meeting rooms of the saint. Take a look at his place of work, the Old Gate or at the death cell of Friar Conrad.


Dioramenschau Altötting, Diorama von Graf Tilly und Maximilian I. in der Gnadenkapelle knieend vor dem Gnadenbild.


Diorama Show and Cinema at the Altötting Marienwerk

This is where the pilgrimage history of Altötting comes alive. In the diorama show the highlights of Altötting's pilgrimage history are depicted in three-dimensional spatial images. The Altötting Marienwerk building also houses a cinema where you can see an old Marian film. This film is one of the 100 national treasures of Bavaria.


Altarraum der Basilika St. Anna in Altötting mit den beiden Seitenaltären.


Basilica of St. Anne

Altötting's largest church was built at the beginning of the 19th century when pilgrimages flourished. It seats more than 8,000 people! In 1913 Pope Pius X elevated it to the status of a papal basilica.


Innenaufnahme der Jesuitenkirche St. Magdalena mit üppigem Stuck.


St. Magdalene Church

The former Jesuit St. Magdalene Church fascinates with its lavish and elaborate stucco in typical Jesuit baroque style. Today the church belongs to the Capuchin monastery of St. Magdalene.


Detailaufnahme vom Weihrauch mit einer typischen Weihrauchschaufel.


The Altötting Incense Museum

Incense is closely linked to Altötting, the place of mercy. In the incense museum you can learn how incense is produced and can smell its different scents.